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Housing Affordability Issues Most Acute in City Regions

Date: 08 July 2016 

NCC Publishes Reports on Housing Affordability

The NCC is today publishing a study assessing the affordability of residential property in Ireland and comparing affordability internationally. As well as the full background study, the Council is also issuing a Competitiveness Bulletin (16-6) summarising the Council’s main findings on affordability and setting out a range of policy issues for consideration.

The report finds that affordability issues are more acute in cities than in less densely populated regions. Of the 12 national and international cities compared, only 2 cities (Amsterdam and London) had a higher “mortgage affordability index” than Dublin. In terms of rent as a percentage of income, 3 international cities were found to be less affordable than Dublin, while 8 were more affordable.

The report and Bulletin are available here.